My work is about the strange.
Hatching the imaginative.
I am making the implication of a life.
One that may have wriggled out of the cosmic abyss aboveā¦
out of the black abyss - within.
Driven to puzzle I want to create curiosities that draw you in
Sexy & Threatening
to stimulate apprehension.
I create by meticulous measures.
My process is an exploration
of texture and variety
in a search for unity in form.
As a maker I am engrossed with the puzzle of the work.
It is a series of steps to ascend.
A turn here, a corridor there.
Dead ends to trap doors
A drop into epiphany
Their creation is an adventure
to see what takes shape in the hands,
when the mind is a circus of
the pets & play things of proper villains.
The complexity of their creation, through careful craftsmanship
makes the journey worth the toil
the enigma - both mine, and yours.
Joshua R. Maier
BLACK HEART ART | 1907 Fair Lane. Columbia, MO | glassmaier@yahoo.com
Joshua R. Maier